Mp3 Download song Rostok Vampires In And Out FREE Mp3 Download Song Lyrics. Rostok Vampires song lyrics

Rostok Vampires - In And Out Lyrics

Something happens outside
I find myself apart
Delirious lost in sanity
End up a broken heart
Creeping through an empty playground childhood's
Taking off
Building nameless cover of
Truth that I once lost
Burning out the creeper
He's within my head
Large enough while it goes
Down the river deep
But whatever it happens
It goes on
I have to face it
I know it's strong
Here I feel the master key
When you know what happens
Explain it to me
I walk along
I know I have to be strong
I have to face my fear
So sweet'n'warm
It comes out like a tear
When daylight grows
The night is gone
help me to hear when I feel I'm wrong
Bring me decision to get on
Help me to listen
I got to stand up low
Pick up my stuff'n'go
Ly down my face and flow
Down to my river bow
In a crusty hour
I should be in and out af luxury
Walking on that road
But what's undercover
Anyway I talk about passing through
Darkest hour at my broken rule
Listen'n'you have nothing to fear
But there'll be no sorry for your big deal
Whatever it happens
It goes on
I have to face it'n'know it's strong
Here I feel the master key
When you know what happens
Explain it
I got to stand up low
Pick up my stuff and go
Ly downly down my face and flow
Down to my river b
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